What is negative impact of cultural appropriation:

What is negative impact of cultural appropriation:

Native American manner, storytelling, and routines have also found their way into mainstream American culture. For income, giant corporations have replicated and sold indigenous outfits, and a diverse range of religious and spiritual counselors has adopted Indigenous liturgies.

James Arthur Ray’s sweat lodge retreats are a well-known example.

Three people had died in one of his attempted sweat lodge festivities in Sedona, Arizona, in 2009. This prompted Native American cultural appropriation tribe elders to speak in opposition to the practice, claiming that these “HDPE shamans” had not been properly trained. Ray’s misunderstanding of covering a lodge with plastic tarps was one of the many, and so he attempted to sue for portrayal.

Similarly, in Australia, it was common for non-Aboriginal artists to copy Aboriginal art, which was then commercialized as accurate. This sparked a renewed push to establish Aboriginal brands.

Becomes Cultural Appropriation an Actual Problem?

Cultural appropriation continues to be a source of concern for a variety of purposes. For one thing, this type of “borrowing” is exploitative because it deprives oppressed groups of the credit individuals deserve, as well as the capital owed to them. Many of rock music’s forefathers died penniless, while the White pianists who ripped them off made millions.

Eventually, unprivileged groups’ art and music forms become associated with members of the dominant group. As a result, the dominant group is regarded as innovative and daring, while the disadvantaged groups from which they “refinance” face prejudices, implying a lack of intelligence and creativity.

Katy Perry described her performance as a geisha at the 2013 American Music Awards as an homage to Asian culture. Asian Americans, on the other hand, called her performance “yellowface.” They also criticized the song selection, “Unconditional support,” for perpetuating the cycle that Asian women are passive.

At the heart of political correctness is the question of whether this type of “borrowing” is an homage or an insult. What one person considers a tribute, another may consider uncomfortable. It’s a fine line that must be treated with great care. https://youtu.be/cydvao8rtki

Avoiding negative Cultural Appropriation

Everyone can choose to be sensitive to others. On rare occasions, someone may fail to recognize a harmful establishment unless it is pointed out to them. This is why it’s critical to understand why you’re purchasing someone doing something involved in another culture. /jdhw78tzgby

To behave ethically and sensitively toward other organizations, consider the following:

  • What are you “borrowing”? Is it out of genuine curiosity? Is it something you’re drawn to? Or does it instead merely appear appealing and trendy?
  • What is the origin? Was the material item, such as artwork, created by someone from that culture? Has that person granted permission for the item to be sold?
  • How culturally sensitive is this work? Would members of that group refer to the piece of art or its sale to foreign people?

The exchange of ideas, traditions, and belongings is what keeps life interesting and contributes to the world’s diversity. Genuine curiosity about other cultures is not necessarily false, but cultural appropriation raises concerns that ought not to be dismissed.

Cultural Appropriation Comes in a Variety of Configurations

Other examples of cultural affirmation include Buddhist tattoos, Colonial bead necklaces as fashion, and White gay men implementing Black women’s dialect. The examples are nearly limitless, and context is frequently crucial.

For example, was the accessory done out of reverence or just for fun? For that reason, would a Muslim man wearing a prayer shawl be considered a terrorist? At the same time, is it a fashion statement if a White guy is wearing it?


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