How to Configure Local HTTPS Using Create-React-App?

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, which is the protocol used to send data over the internet. The most common use case for HTTPS is when you access your website using a public wifi connection or cellular service that can be eavesdropped on.
The reason why you should care about local https configuration is because it will help protect your data from being tampered with by other users who might try to intercept requests made through your browser. This can be done by using an encrypted tunnel between your browser and server (like with Let’s Encrypt), but sometimes this isn’t possible because there’s no such thing as 100% safe encryption technology out there yet! In these cases, setting up local https can help prevent unauthorized access if someone tries stealing information from their computer screen while logging into their account at work/home etcetera..
1. Install the Dependencies
- Install the Dependencies
You can use either npm or yarn to install the dependencies for local HTTPS. All necessary libraries will be installed using the shell script:
$ yarn add react-app auth0-js koa-middleware secure-headers webpack-dev-server webpack eslint eslint –save
2. Add HTTPS to your package.json file
- Add HTTPS to your package.json file
You can add HTTPS to your package.json file by following these steps:
- Open up the package.json file in a text editor and add the following code: “scripts”: { “index”: “react-scripts build”, },
- Then, open up the scripts section of your project’s Babel configuration file (usually located at ./src/setup). You will see two keys called ‘index’ and ‘build’. Add both keys under their respective sections; so that they look like this: { // Your app’s index files here … }, { // Your app’s build files here … },
3. Using HTTPS in the create-react-app project
To enable HTTPS in the project, you need to add a few lines of code in your package.json file. Add this line under the dependencies one:
“`{ “dependencies”: {}, “`
Run npm installation after which you should run npm run build:
4. Additional information
You can also use the –force flag to overwrite any existing package.json file (and if you’re using create-react-app, it will do this automatically).
You can learn more about this command by reading our guide on how to use create-react-app with HTTPS and SSL certificates.
Configure HTTPS locally using create-react-app
To configure HTTPS locally, you need to:
- Install the dependencies for Create-React-App and npm run build.
- Add an HTTP header to your package.json file that specifies the hostname of your server (i.e., [email protected]). The header should look like this: “host”: “” where is the hostname or IP address of your server running on port 8080. You can use a tool like Curl or Fiddler to configure this header manually if necessary, but we recommend installing an HTTPS inspector like Certbot so that it’s easier for anyone else working on projects using create-react-app in their team or company!
We sincerely hope that you find this post to be instructive and helpful. If you have any questions please feel free to ask us in the comments below. We’re always happy to help!