Application of a Yoga Wave Bolster

Yoga Wave Bolster is a great way to ease into more advanced poses if you’re new to the practice. It provides stability and support for your feet, legs, and head. While you practice difficult postures like Headstand and Shoulder Stand. The bolster can also be used as part of a yoga routine as a restorative prop. As an aid when doing more challenging exercises like side bends or backbends.
Supported Headstand Pose
To enter a supported headstand pose, start on your hands and knees with a yoga bolster behind you. Place the bolster under your neck and shoulders. So that it is parallel to the ground. Now place one shoulder on top of the other as shown in photo 2 below.
Once in this position, use an additional bolster for support under each knee (photo 3). You may also want to use another bolster for support under each ankle (photo 4). When finished, rotate up into standing position by pulling up through both hands until they meet at chest height or higher. Which will be about chin level depending on how long you’ve been practicing this pose.
Supported Shoulder Stand Pose
In this pose, the bolster supports your shoulders and upper back. Your body should be in line with your ears and relaxed. Your shoulders are not pulled back or forward; they should be in line with your ears instead.
Supported Side Bend Pose
This pose is a great way to release tension in your shoulders, arms and back. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a bolster under each arm for support. Then extend them over your head so that they are perpendicular to the floor (like an upside down “V”).
Now inhale as you raise both arms up towards the ceiling while pressing down into the bolster with each hand (this will help keep them steady). Exhale as you gently lower both arms back down onto either side of your body by bending at the elbow joint until they touch each other. This is called “setting up” or “placing pressure” in this position before moving further into this pose.
Next place one hand on top of another hand. Hold these two points together tightly between breaths until next time when repeating this same process again.
Bridge Pose with Prop
With a Wave Bolster, you can use it to bridge and support your body in Bridge Pose.
The first thing you need to do is place the bolster on top of your mat or floor. Then, lie down on the bolster with one leg bent at a 90-degree angle and one leg straight up in the air (or out to the side). You should be able to place both feet flat on either side of where they’re positioned on their respective sides. So that they have maximum contact with their respective mats/floors! Next, bring your arms up above your head (just like how we did last time). This will help keep everything stable throughout this pose. As well as prevent any injuries from happening during practice sessions due to improper alignment within themselves. Which could lead down roads like back pain or worse yet paralysis.
Fish Pose with Prop
This pose is great for the shoulder and upper back, but it can also be used to stretch the hip flexors. The Wave Bolster helps you create a deeper stretch through your hips. Which will help relieve tension from these muscles. You can easily apply this in Fish Pose by placing one arm through each side of the bolster. Then sitting down on it so that your legs are spread apart (or if you’re using a V-shaped bolster, get yourself into position). Fold forward over one leg and scrunch up as much as possible until all four corners of your body are touching each other. You’ll feel like there’s barely room for breath. Keep breathing normally throughout this exercise. If necessary adjust how tightly or loosely you wrap yourself around the prop depending on how flexible or stiffer than usual you feel during this pose.
When you are able to use your yoga props in more supported ways, you will be able to bring them into more poses. The more you practice, the easier it is for your body to respond and integrate these supporting props into your practice.