100+ Short Story In Hindi With Moral For Youngsters (2022)

short story in Hindi short stories with morals for youngsters Stories for Kids Stories can be utilized to educate. And learn significant things.
Welcome to Hindi Short Story. Today, you’ll appreciate reading an interesting short story in Hindi that will bring back recollections of your childhood. Stories are just for youngsters, despite the fact that we sometimes share them and explain them in huge seminars also.
Previously, we would spend the evenings in our homes listening to the tales that our folks or grandparents would tell us. How were those times now? Instead of telling our kids stories, we currently give them cell phones so they might watch such short stories on Vimeo. be straightforward. Their visual perception is impacted by this.
We have stories that you might peruse with your children or use to show yourself along these lines. You can print out the tales and give them to peruse.
short story in Hindi with moral for youngsters:
I settled on the choice to compose this post explicitly to impart short stories to kids with the goal that they can peruse the tales fitting their personal preference in Hindi and gain information from these inspirational and persuasive stories in Hindi. All age gatherings ought to peruse these accounts, but they were composed explicitly for youthful perusers.
- Story of the eager fox: Short Hindi Story with Moral
It was summer, and a fox was frantically seeking food in the timberland. In the wake of searching for some time, she ultimately happened upon a bunny, however, she chose not to eat it since it was pretty much nothing. What’s more, this won’t hurt the fox in a way.
After some season of searching, the fox went over a deer out and about. After seeing the deer, his mouth soaked, and he quickly started running after it. He pursued the deer with his strength and speed, however, he was incapable to get it since he was at that point hungry.
At the point when he ran out of food, he considered eating the very bunny that he had left since he felt it was nearly nothing. The fox returned in a similar way to search for the bunny again, yet this time it was gone and mysteriously absent. Subsequent to becoming depleted, the fox had to get back, where he got new nourishment for a few days.
2. Lion and mouse story: Short Upright Story for youngsters in Hindi:
The lion, the king of the wilderness, used to live in the backwoods with a mouse. At some point, the mouse chose to begin jumping on the lion for the sake of entertainment, which upset the lion’s sleep and made him stir. proceeded to join it in becoming rankled.
The mouse asked the lion not to eat up him when he rose up to do as such, saying, “In the event that you at any point need assistance, I’ll be hanging around for you.” The lion snickered when he heard this and let him go.
Following a couple of days, trackers showed up in the wilderness to chase them. The trackers put out a snare, in which the lion became detained and chained to a tree. Notwithstanding his earnest attempts, the lion couldn’t escape from the snare. The lion started to ominously thunder.
There was a mouse’s home in a little stone cavern close by, the lion’s thunder arrived at the mouse, then, at that point, the mouse realize that the lion was in trouble and required to see me right away.
At the point when the mouse showed up and saw the lion caught in the snare, he quickly started to cut the catch, and the lion was before long liberated. After the lion said thanks to the mouse, the two of them headed into the wilderness together.
3. Old man’s story: Hindi short story with a message:
The whole local area was worried by an older person who lived there and was viewed as quite possibly of the most fortunate individual on the planet. That elderly person had developed bored with the whole town.
Considering that he was continually disturbed, discouraged, and moaning.
Individuals tried not to converse with him since his unhappiness spread as he lived longer and his words became acrid-like toxins.
Being close to him was unnatural and out and out embarrassing on the grounds that everyone he experienced would have horrendous karma until the end of the day. Individuals in the space experienced despair because of your undeniable misery.
In any case, an inquisitive occasion happened and spread like a fire among them one day when that old man became 80 years of age.
The old man appeared to be content today and had no complaints. Instead, he was grinning at life’s puzzlement. Indeed, even his highlights seemed young.
When the whole town saw this, they accumulated before his home and scrutinized the old man.
“What has been going on with you?”
The old man answered, “Nothing terrific,” I looked for happiness for quite a long time, yet I never tracked down it. Finding it did not merit the work. In any case, now that I’ve settled on the choice to live without satisfaction, I’m euphorically thinking that.